The official blog of Rabbi Barry Lutz from Temple Ahavat Shalom in Northridge, California.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 15: Epilogue

Day 15:  epilogue

What have we learned?

We learned a great deal about European 'facilities'.  We can tell you in detail about the porcelain of Europe as bathrooms were the second most important stop on every day of touring.

We have learned a great deal about each other.  This small group of travelers from TAS became a family over the course of our two weeks together.  how will we eat alone?  

We have all grown a great deal ... Both in pant size and in knowledge.  No matter the level of expertise about the Holocaust we all learned a great deal about the topography of this most nightmarish piece of our history.

We learned that America stands outside the arc of Jewish history.  The freedom and acceptance we have been graced with in this country is truly exceptional.  I think we all understand sa great deal better now how important it it to protect and defend that liberty that was never granted us very long in anyplace in the two millennia history of our people.

We all understand much more profoundly the importance of Israel.  How different might the world be today, if our families and communities would have had a place to which they could go when every other door was barred and every window closed?

We learned to laugh, to appreciate each other and the moment.  There were some incredibly difficult moments, but together we pushed through them ... And always, always returned to the celebration life.

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