The official blog of Rabbi Barry Lutz from Temple Ahavat Shalom in Northridge, California.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

TAS at the Jewish World Watch Walk to End Genocide

This morning over 40 members of TAS joined in the Jewish World Watch Walk to End Genocide. Our team raised about $2,000 for Jewish World Watch and the work they do to end genocide and to bring freedom to people suffering in Africa. In addition to the 5K walk the festival at Warner Center Park included demonstrations of some of the projects JWW works with, including the solar cookers that have helped countless women remain safe in their villages.

Our TAS Team captain, Jill Cullen worked hard to recruit team members and to collect donations for the silent auction. Jill shares her passion for tikkun olam, repairing the world, with everyone - dedicating time not just to the TAS team but to Jewish World Watch throughout the year.

I was proud to join with so many other people from my synagogue and to see so many other friends from other synagogues as we walked through the blocked off streets. Check out these photos  from the walk this morning:

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