The official blog of Rabbi Barry Lutz from Temple Ahavat Shalom in Northridge, California.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Gaza Conflict '09

The current conflict has been described as “One big, gigantic, humungous conundrum.” Read my comments @ and then share your thoughts here.


Jonathan Wheeler said...

"Peace will come when they love their children more than they hate ours."

No, peace will come when parents teach their children love and not hate. This goes for both sides.

The Arab sees persecution from the Jew, reminiscent of 50's era white and black relations in the US.

All the Jew sees is the extreme of one side and treats the whole Arab community with disrespect for the acts of few.

I've seen hate on both sides, but the only way to 'fix' this situation is for BOTH sides to resolve their issues.

Please don't make the mistake of blaming the Arabs before you look for the plank in your own eye. I have never seen such racism from the Jews as I have when I traveled with Arabs in Israel.

It hurts me to know that there are Americans that are so blind to think that the problem lies just with the Arab, not the Jew. Both are at fault in this conflict.

Jonathan Wheeler said...

One more thing; this video will show you how a religious Isreali Jew reacts to an Arab giving his dying son's heart to his daughter.