The official blog of Rabbi Barry Lutz from Temple Ahavat Shalom in Northridge, California.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Imagine the possibilities

Imagine a place that truly brings spiritual meaning and enrichment to your life.
Imagine a place that inspires you.
Imagine a place that excites you and ignites your passions.
Imagine a place that you can't imagine being without.

Now imagine Ahavat Shalom as that place ... and take a journey.

Arriving at the entrance to TAS, what do you see? How do you feel?
You walk through the doors ... what greets you there?
Walk into the sanctuary. How does it look? What do you hear? How do you feel?
Walk into the office. What happens there?
Journey to the school ...
Stroll the grounds ...

Close your eyes and truly take this journey.

Now extract the essence of your experience.
What made this such a powerful experience for you?
What is it about this place you imagined that makes it so powerful for you?

Thank you for sharing your ideas here and helping us all to imagine our promised land.

1. Read Rabbi Lutz's posting below: "Imagine the Possibilities"
2. Close your eyes and take your own journey.
3. Click on "comments" at the bottom of this post.
4. You will be directed to a place to add your own dreams and visions of our TAS promised land.


Anonymous said...

See how easy this is!

Anonymous said...

With my eyes closed, I can imagine Shabbat at TAS as a place where the adults just 'hangout' together, relaxing, discussing, laughing. The kids are doing their own 'hangout' checking in with us from time to time, in person, not by texting. No schedule - nowhere to go - other than where conversation takes us. We leave Saturday evening rested and invigorated for a new week; not frazzled. Sounds like I better keep going to summer camp!

Temple said...

Al and Carol Joffe were among the founders of TAS when it was formed in 1965 in a merger of North Valley Reform Temple and Temple Beth Torah. Al had been president of North Valley from its inception in 1962 until 1965. He later became president of TAS in 1970-71.

Al a lawyer, did the legal work in forming the Temple, acquiring the land of TAS, and building the structures on the land. He also served on the Board of Trustees for many years.

In the early years of TAS, Carol used her educational skills to teach in the Religious school.

Carol has sung in the adult choir since the Temple's inception and she has also directed it. In addition she formed a junior choir and they sang for Shabbat services as well as holiday programs.

Singing is not her only accomplishment. Carol performed in and/ or directed all of the plays and musicals put on by the Couples Club as fundraisers for the Temple.

Look for both Al and Carol to be seated on the bimah during the High Holy Days. Al as a past president, and Carol still singing in the choir.

Anonymous said...

.. Jew.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rabbi Lutz: I travelling through Isreal through your blog. Wishing everyone a safe and plesant journey. Please give my regards to the Pepper's and Lucks'
Love, Hank and Carrol Cohen

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a bigger hypocrite than this rabbi. He doesn't know the meaning of the ten commandments. He is exactly like the Jews that were making the golden calf while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments.

Anonymous said...

Go back to rabbinic school. You need a course on Judiaism and what the covenant with G-d actually means.