The official blog of Rabbi Barry Lutz from Temple Ahavat Shalom in Northridge, California.

Monday, June 28, 2010

follow us in Israel here ...

I've created our own separate blog spot for our Israel 2010 trip. You can follow us here, add your own comments and enjoy ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shalom from Camp Newman

Shalom from Camp Newman.

When campers arrive at Camp Newman they are greeted with songs and cheering.

As soon as they come through the gates they know that they are welcome here. The entire staff at camp greet each car and bus and, throughout the afternoon, show as much excitement for the last campers to arrive as they did for the first ones. Coming to camp, whether you are a first time or returning camper, is like greeting an old friend—even before you do anything, everyone is happy just to see you. Campers are applauded like rock stars and their faces light up when they realize all the excitement is for them.

Two of our TAS students— Evan and Jake—are in the Avodah track this summer at Newman, and they worked tirelessly on opening day: cheering, directing parents where to go, unloading luggage, and singing “Heivenu Shalom” all afternoon. TAS alumnus Robert accompanied campers on their bus ride from the airport, singing songs and talking about all the fun to be had this summer. Emily kept campers entertained and happy, introducing them to new friends while they waited for everyone to arrive.

It is a wonderful feeling to arrive somewhere and know it is exactly where you are supposed to be—to be welcomed just for being you. Jewish tradition values hospitality and welcoming guests. Abraham welcomes strangers to his tent, washes their feet, and provides a meal. In midrash, the rabbis elaborated on Abraham’s hospitality, explaining that Abraham rushed to provide for his guests and that he prepared the meal himself. Our tradition recognizes this important part of relationships—how it feels to be welcomed, and how it feels to welcome others. For Abraham, that moment of welcome becomes a holy moment, and he learns that he will have a child. At Camp Newman, that moment of welcome becomes a holy moment, when the pure joy of being in this place together is shared.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dvar Torah for Hukat by Rabbi Shawna

24 years ago I read from Hukat at my Bat Mitzvah; I revisited it this week while writing the Dvar Torah for the L.A. Board of Rabbis.

You can read it here.

Shabbat Shalom.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Skirball Cultural Center - Exhibition | Making Faces: Playful Portraits of People You Know by Hanoch Piven

Tuesday Torah Study is taking a field trip to the Skirball.

I saw this exhibit a few weeks ago at the Skirball:

Skirball Cultural Center - Exhibition | Making Faces: Playful Portraits of People You Know by Hanoch Piven

If you want to see it in person, along with Jews on Vinyl, join the TAS Tuesday Torah Study group this Tuesday, June 15.
Meet in the TAS parking lot at 10:50 a.m. to carpool, enjoy a lunch out at Zoe's Cafe and then tour the museum, return to TAS around 2 p.m.